Seven Falls Rockfall Mitigation
HEAVY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION For the safety of visiting tourists, Harrison Western stabilized some unstable areas of rock wall by scaling down semi-loose rock and then installing 10,000 SF of Geobrugg TECCO Mesh Fence and 100 LF of chain link barrier fence. A private helicopter was required to mobilize the materials up to the project area. […]
I-70 Twin Tunnels Rock Excavation
HEAVY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION For the widening of the westbound lanes of I-70 at the Twin Tunnels, Harrison Western excavated 50,000 CY of rock with careful and calculated drilling and blasting. The work was limited to a maximum of four blasts per day. After blasting, HW installed 74,000 SF of rock fall mesh, 34 grouted anchors, […]
Seven Sisters Avalanche Mitigation
HEAVY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION To mitigate potential rock fall and rock slope failure near I-70, Harrison Western installed an avalanche mitigation system on the Seven Sisters Slide Area near Loveland Ski Area. The new system consisted of remote-controlled propane and oxygen cannons that create a large blast above the avalanche slide area, thereby triggering a […]